Saudi Foreign Affairs in charge of Minister of State [Iran ...

ISIS Middle East Shitsuri anti how wind Kasane ...

Saudi Foreign Affairs in charge of Minister of State [Iran ... Defeat of ISIS Middle East increases the risk of anti-Western Of the construction site of Iraq [Islamic state] (ISIS) 0 were down compared to the heyday. Is a base of the Syrian lacquer are also depressed by Kurdish forces, but, ISIS will be able to start the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels. Experts, by the ISIS failure on the battlefield in the Middle East, the organization has pointed out that began to look to other developers, including attacks on Western countries. intelligence report authorities of Europe, it said at least 00 people trained ISIS fighter is waiting to attack Europe. According to the Hong Kong Wen Wei Po and the Ming Pao report, Wall Street Journal, is a Bahraini senior researcher Hokkayan is, of ISIS based on the number of the number and the casualties of the area and lost the added regional force be measured at any time to evolve in order to be able to focus on other battlefield, it says quoted as meaningless. US Brookings Middle East Center for Strategic director of the Wits of the Institute, to return to the ISIS fighters hometown of foreign, said they suffer from a serious risk.
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